On May 25, 2021, we talked about the random games we play on our phones. Before we started crafting, we chatted about what we've been working, and Danie showed off the Modular Dice Display Shelves she's been printing, and DB showed her newly green hair. We also followed the adventures of DB's pizza delivery guy as he took waaaaay too long to get to her place.
Using some tracing pages that we shared in Discord, we made keychains using heat shrink plastic (remember Shrinky Dinks?). We've played some of the games we colored, and just sort of knew about some of the others. Danie hasn't ever played Among Us, but now that we know you can get it as a phone app, we're gonna play!
Heat shrink plastic will shrink by 30-40% - look at the difference before and after:

How many of these games can you identify?

Check out the video on Twitch here.
Next time, DB's out of town, but we've got a guest host! We're talking about the cheese that is Hallmark Movies, and we're making Heirloom Recipe Shadow Boxes - you can visit the actual Hallmark website to get all the details about what you'll need. We're gathering shadow boxes, recipes, photos, scrapbooking paper, washi tape, scissors, adhesives, and whatever else strikes our fancy.